Dave Ramsey Back In Th' Day
I was going through some old boxes and what did I see. A little picture of Dave Ramsey looking back at me. I lived in Antioch, TN back in '96 and became a Dave Ramsey-holic. This man has had a bigger positive impact on my life and my future than my own father or any other man I have ever met in person.
I listened and learned. I still do. But, in '96 I subscribed to his Financial Peace Newsletter. This newsletter was a revenue source for The Lampo Group (Dave's company) along with his books, seminars, counseling, etc. But in '96, his company was still very small. These newsletters are full of great information, but not nearly a polished and professional as his materials today. That's why I love looking at them. I have the entire first volume. They are in great shape and you can see from Dave's mug on the front that the newsletter is not the only thing that became more stylish.
I don't think Dave mails out hard copy newletters anymore, which makes having these very special. I love them dearly and they are so special to me. That is why they will never be for sale. But..........they could be bought.
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