I Drunk The Punch

An irregular but hopefulling interesting blog.

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

A Fresh, New, Crispy, Non-PHO Blog

Geez, there's so much going on that deserves a little of my attention. I'm trying to decide to write about something personal, like me making the local newspaper. The Macon Telegraph did a little story on Dent Tricks and myself. For the story you can Google "Dent Tricks" and "Paintless Dent Repair".

I've also considered writing about my training for the Atlanta Thanksgiving Day marathon, but that would bore you to the point of hitting the "back" button faster than the Amish forgive. Which brings me to the not so personal topics.

I admire the Amish and Menonites both for so many of their characteristics, but I'm not so sure about this forgiveness issue. From my point of view, forgiveness can only be given to someone that shows remorse and asks for it. When you offer forgiveness your absolving the other for their actions, which relieves them of guilt or consequences. Many things, like murder don't deserve either, without true remorse and some sort of restitution for the wrongdoing. I believe a lot of people think they need to say "I forgive" in order to show they are not evil and "move on", "get past it" or "have closure". If you lose a loved at the hands of an twisted, psychotic, waste of skin, your not going to be at peace for the mere act of forgiveness. Things that bring pain, like a life-long abusive parent, someone robbing your house or a co-worker taking credit for your hard work, take time to get past and don't require forgiveness. Not forgiving can bring more power and peace in the long run and shows others or society that they can't just throw religion back at you and expect to be absolved for their actions. So, does it sound as if I'm sure or not about whether I agree with the Amish. I guess I have made up my mind.

On to lighter topics, let's talk, or rather let me talk about he wonderful tax system we have in this country. It penalizes productivity, encourages dishonesty, rewards laziness and empowers power seekers. It's a complete wreck and the most logical way to correct it is to completely end the current system and replace it with the Fair Tax.

If you enjoy mixing entertainment with education (edutainment), you'll really enjoy Aaron Russo's new film "America: Freedom To Fascism". It's a brief history of the Federal Reserve System, the Federal Income Tax and where we're headed if it's not changed. Mr. Russo is the Hollywood producer of such movies as "The Rose", "Trading Places" and "Teachers". In his early years he was a music promoter that helped Led Zeppelin, The Who and Janis Joplin. I know, I know, enough kissing ass. Anyway his new movie can be viewed for free at the following link. I highly recommend it!


I'll do this blog thing again real real soon.


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