I Drunk The Punch

An irregular but hopefulling interesting blog.

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Whaaaa La! We reap what we sow.

As I watched the results of both local, state and national elections come in, I felt proud that so many people actually gave up the time out of their day to spend the 45 minutes to vote. That is precious time that could have been spent watching Stupido 60 or CSI-Philidelphia. That was admirable considering it's a privilage and not a right to vote. The sad part was that so many people don't study the candidates prior to casting their vote. They don't know squat about the folks running for Insurance Commisoner, the Senate or for God's sake...the Governor. We all see the ads on TV and know our parents view, but have a problem making a change. Change is what we need though. We've had the two party system for all of my life, my parents life and so on. It flips back and forth- a term for this party, a term for that party. Still, we continue to see our government grow larger and larger, more liberties taken away from us, more money taken away from us as our freedom wanes.

If you look at the Democrats website (http://dnc.org/a/party/stand.html), you'll see their 6-Point Plan for 2006. Scary thing is that only one of their six objectives is Constitutional and that one is security. The others are non of the federal governments business. It's just not. Not the governments responsibility to make sure you have health insurance, retirement, energy indepence or economic prosperity. These things would be nice to have and it would be nice to have an organization willing to help individuals achieve these things, but it is NOT the governments responsibility. If you forcibly take citizens money in the form of taxes to pay for these things, that's theft. Legal theft! It doesn't matter how good you intentions are. It's no more "right" than if I stole your money at gun point to give to a single mom to pay her rent. Good intentions, but wrong.

The Republicans are no better. Taking liberties with Homland Security and failing to take action on Tax Reform. Their platform (http://www.gop.com/media/2004platform.pdf) is extrememly long (long winded) and full of rhetoric soundbites. Continually adding new lines of blah blah blah jibber jabber to already strung out and continually confusing legislation. Their changes to Social Security, HSA's and Education are just as bad as the Democrats. These are things that are NOT Constitutional responsibilities of the federal government. So, they too are trampling on our constitutional rights.

Still, we go to the polls and put them back in. It's like their on the same team, just split into offensive and defensive. But they are still one team in opposition to the Constitution and the citizens of the United State's rights.

So, Nancy Pelosi is going to be the Speaker of the House. Great! Everyone that voted for one of the two parties deserves her. For all those races to be so close (near 50/50 in many cases), tells me the two parties are very similar. Both bad.

To ingnore the Libertarian Party's platform (http://www.lp.org/issues/platform_all.shtml) and their candidates is ignorant and short sighted. It's simple and easy to read and hard to argue intelligently any portion of it. It is fair and upholds the Constitution of the United States.

So, next time, whose turn will it be? I guess that depends on what you do with your bucket of lemons over the next few years. Who will make you feel like they screwed you the worst? Who will you choose to punish next time by voting for the other party?


Blogger Robert Long said...

I userstand your passion and point of view. However, for the social conservatives out there the Libertarian party is not an option. Also, the Libertarian party appears too week on defense much like the democratic party. As a result, the Libertarian party is only pulling votes away from the Republican voters who would be more in the center. Therefore, taking away the center voice from the Republican party and making the far left more powerful.

Two cents...

Mon Nov 13, 03:07:00 PM  
Blogger Troy Tarpley said...

So it is a certain portion of the Republicans that your concerned with. The "social conservatives" or Republicans that would be "more in the center", which means closer to the Democrats. I'm not picking and choosing specific issues. For me the LP shares my beliefs on all issues more closely than either the Reps or Dems.

You know I've heard your arguement before. It's the most repeated reason for not voting libertarian. Nothing new. I'm just not compromising where so many Reps and Dems are. And I say that in reference to many of them saying that they would vote libertarian IF it didn't seem to be throwing their vote away.

So, I didn't throw mine away to punish another party. I voted for whom I thought would be the best. That includes being tough on defense, which the LP is. National Security is a Constitutional responsibility. But, there should still be a limit on the amount spent and restrictions on where we place troops.

Here's an example of the outcome your referring to. In this case I believe many Reps and Dems took votes away from Jones in this case.

What a shame.
One cent...

Tue Nov 14, 09:28:00 AM  
Blogger Robert Long said...

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Tue Nov 14, 10:11:00 AM  
Blogger Robert Long said...

I just really feel that a two party system works the best. You have two sides coming together to produce the best result. Look at a court room. If you had three sides you would always have two against one. This is a natural process for human beings. We always choose a side. Imagine a football game with three opposing teams. One team might be much stronger than the other two, but would lose every time having to fight both. With that said a three party system would only weeken the stronger party. In our current political climate that is the GOP.

I look forward to your reply. :)

Tue Nov 14, 10:15:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I said it last week (to my father), but felt it was worth repeating here....

So many Republicans made the arguement that the LP did hold more of their beliefs on certain issues than their own party, but that if they voted for a Libertarian it would give the vote to the Democrats. So, now my question to all those that thought that way: How does it feel now, to know that you voted like a 3rd grader (may the "better" guy win) and sacrificed your true beliefs? At least I can say that I voted for what I believed in, rather than "taking one for the team".

What do you think our Founding Fathers would think of this method of voting?

Wed Nov 15, 08:22:00 PM  
Blogger Troy Tarpley said...

Robert, this guy says most of what is wrong with the two party system more eloquently than I can.

Here it is...


Wed Nov 15, 10:22:00 PM  
Blogger Robert Long said...

I voted exactly the way I felt was right. For the most part I Agree with the GOP. I would say that I agree with about 95% of the GOP voting record. With that said, I only agree with about 50% of the LP and 5% of the libs.

I really feel that the LP is doing a grave injustice to our country by taking their centrist views away from the two major parties. I mean I am not willing to sacrifice my conservative values to have a stronger centrist party.

Thu Nov 16, 04:30:00 PM  
Blogger Troy Tarpley said...

I miss Harry Browne. He was a wise man and in the following short article, states the main differences between the R's and L's.


The two major parties are just too much alike, except for cultural differences- abortion, stem cell research, gay marriage, guns, immigration, etc.

Fri Nov 17, 12:17:00 PM  

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